Games Entrenue Secret VII Provocative Adult Foreplay Game

Games Entrenue Secret VII Provocative Adult Foreplay Game


Secret VII Provocative Adult Foreplay Game
Play Secret Seven with a new partner you’re just getting to know or a long-time lover with whom you want to add spice and deeper intimacy—either way this ingenious card game lets you customize the play and helps you home in on the fantasies and activities that really light your fire. Each player self-selects the color-coded cards they want in their hand, so the game allows a mild-to-wild focus depending on your comfort level and rapport with your partner. (And if there are cards listing fantasies you never want to try, just discard them—here’s a game that will respect your limits!) Choose a hand of cards that represent acts you want to indulge in, then let the play begin! All you have to do is roll a 7. Gender-neutral and based on consent and a desire to connect, it’s both a super-hot game of sexual chance and an exploration and communication tool par excellence. Suitable for any couple, and it can be played with a frisky group as well!

Contents: 400 Pleasure Cards, Dice, Timer, and Instructions.