KANGAROO XIntense Nice and nasty Bz Vibrators

KANGAROO XIntense Nice and nasty Bz Vibrators

Kangaroo Extra Strong X-Intense Male Pills
Kangaroo Extra Strong X-Intense Male Pills Active Ingredients Include:

A propriety blend of L-lysine, Ginseng Extract, Ginko Biloba, Leaf Extract, L-Arginine, Green Tea, Chinese Aweto, Tian Shan Xue Lian, Icarian, and Snow Lotus Flower.  Please see the ingredients label on Kangaroo packaging for the complete list of ingredients.

Kangaroo Extra Strong X-Intense Male Pills Label Recommended Dose: 

Take one Kangaroo Extra Strong X-Intense Male Pill with at least 12oz of water.  Remember to stay hydrated.  Do not exceed 1 pill in 48 hours.  For best results, take one hour before sexual activity. Do not take with other supplements or medications.